jaye’s spot

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Update and new freebie template 'Summer'

For those of you who had a giggle about my conversation with my son, we had part 2 this morning....but it was much better, LOL

me-so what was with the sign on your door last night?
boy-nothing, I just wanted to sleep and didn't want anyone to wake me up
me-oh, so are you still angry with me?
boy-I wasn't mad at you, are you still angry with me?
me-no, I wasn't really angry, frustrated would be a better word
boy-oh so I can play on the computer then?
me-you can have a shower this morning
boy-oh, but what about.....
me-I told you no computer and the reason why, do you remember?
boy-yes, because I argued and didn't do as I was asked
me-bingo, have a nice shower and don't forget to scrub your neck
boy- can I go to Matt's?
me-you can have a shower
boy-after the shower
me-have the shower first
He did and happily went to his buddy's. I agree, boys don't care, at least not 10 year old boys who think girls are silly.................unless of course they're bouncing across the TV screen in a bikini.

So I was RAK'd No Prince Required by Kami of Ziggle Designs and can't wait to play with it. Have to get on the horn with my brother and get him to send me some more pictures of his girls. I want to play!!! If you haven't seen it here it is, so cute!
Hopefully PSE will cooperate, was being difficult earlier today, got a layout done and then told me something about a scratch disc error and then comes up with something else. I think I need to uninstall and reinstall the programme...just too lazy. Oh well here's another template for you, they really seem to be popular. Thank you for all the lovely comments, I read them all. Do you like them with the phrases or quotes or would you rather have just the photomask? I guess you could always just take the text layer out if you didn't want it. Download here: SUMMER
Enjoy!! If there are any words you would like to see let me know here on the blog and I will see what I can do.


Anonymous said...

Oh the joys of 10 year old boys! :)

Some words to suggest: sunny, beach, happy.

Thanks so much for sharing these with us!!

Ann Tamimi said...

Is my son cloned? I'm having the same issues with showers. He thinks swimming is a shower and the best one was when he had his head shaved bald so he wouldn't have to take so mny showers. How does that make sense you'd have to be a 9 1/2 yr old boy to figure out.

Thanks for the freebies, they are great

mphoinix said...

That is so cute :)

Victoria said...

Great conversation! When they get to 13 you have to remind them to scrub their nose of all places! :)

Great freebie! Thank you!

scrappinmint said...

heehee. I remember those days of practically dragging the boys in to take a shower. Now at 17 and 19, I have to remind that all the hot water they use taking two showers a day costs us money!

Sharon Kay said...

Thank you very much! I'd like to see SLEEP if you have time to make it. I think that would be neat with a picture of a sleeping child!

Sharon Kay said...

Looks like I missed the freebie...says file not found.